Hickory Creek Consulting LLC

Recognizing our connections with land, water, wildlife—and each other


Hickory Creek helps you protect natural resources in your community. From understanding ecology to developing local protection strategies, Hickory Creek translates science into action. We identify threats to water and wildlife resources and develop the actions needed to address them, applying 30 years’ expertise in environmental impact evaluation, wetlands, habitat assessment, watershed management, and at-risk wildlife. 

We need both a healthy environment and a sustainable economy; this is not an ‘either-or’ choice. We all benefit when the true costs of development are included in land use decisions. Hickory Creek promotes informed advocacy, and bridges gaps between scientific information and public understanding.


Hickory Creek’s work emphasizes connections (water–land–wildlife–people), following the book Connecting the Drops: A citizens’ guide to protecting water resources, by Karen Schneller-McDonald (Cornell University Press, 2015). We help you answer questions and take action based on an understanding of these connections.

Ask and answer the right questions

How can filling wetlands increase flooding?

How do land use activities affect water quality and supply?

How do property rights challenges affect water protection?

How do vegetated buffers protect stream water quality?

How does groundwater pumping affect stream flow?

How can wind and solar projects be designed to reduce impacts?

Connect land use activities with their effects on watersheds, ecosystems, and the benefits these systems provide for our communities. Develop local protection strategies.

Non-technical, how-to sessions: Connecting the Drops training is designed to help you protect water resources in your community, based on the book Connecting the Drops: A citizen’s guide to protecting water resources 

Interpret  science concepts and information for public understanding, encourage science-based decision making, and promote science-and community-based advocacy for environmental health.